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Functional Nanostructures and Nanoelectronics Lab. (FNNL)



Sanghan Lee
Sanghan Lee
  • LAB NAMESustainable Energy and Electronic Devices Lab. (SEED)
  • E-MAILsanghan@gist.ac.kr
  • TEL+82-62-715-2314
  • OFFICEMSE #501


  • 2007 - 2012 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States. Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering
  • 2007 - 2009 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States. M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering
  • 2004 - 2006 Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea. M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering
  • 1997 - 2004 Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea. B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering


  • 09/2021 ~ present Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST)
  • 03/2018 ~ 08/2021 Associate Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST)
  • 09/2013 ~ 02/2018 Assistant Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST)
  • 09/2012 ~ 08/2013 Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, UW-Madison
  • 06/2008 ~ 08/2008 Visiting Researcher, Dept. of Physics, Penn State University
  • 01/2007 ~ 08/2007 Researcher, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, POSTECH
  • 10/1998 ~ 04/2001 Mandatory Military Service in R.O.K Air Force


  • Hojoong Choi,† Sehun Seo,† ~ Heejoo Kim,* and Sanghan Lee*, Organometal Halide Perovskite-Based Photoelectrochemical Module Systems for Scalable Unassisted Solar Water Splitting, Advanced Science (2023), 10, Issue 33, 2303106 (IF: 15.1)
  • Hojoong Choi,† Young Yun Kim,† Sehun Seo,† ~ Jangwon Seo,* and Sanghan Lee*, Suppression of Undesired Losses in Organometal Halide Perovskite-Based Photoanodes for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Advanced Energy Materials (2023) 13, Issue 31, 2300951 (IF : 27.8)
  • Yoon Jung Lee,† Kootak Hong,† Kyeongho Na, Jiwoong Yang, ~, Sanghan Lee,* and Ho Won Jang*, Nonvolatile Control of Metal–Insulator Transition in VO2 by Ferroelectric Gating, Advanced Materials (2022) 34, 2203097 (IF : 32.086)
  • Ju-Hyeon Kim,† Sehun Seo,† Jong-Hoon Lee,† ~, Sanghan Lee*, and Kwanghee Lee*, Efficient and stable perovskite-based photocathode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, Advanced Functional Materials (2021), 2008277 (IF : 18.808)
  • Jongmin Lee,† Hongji Yoon,† ~, Sanghan Lee*, Template Engineering of CuBi2O4 Single-crystal Thin Film Photocathodes, Small (2020),16, 2002429 (IF : 11.459)
  • Sehun Seo,† Heesung Noh,† ~, Sanghan Lee*, Artificially engineered nanostrain in FeSexTe1-x superconductor thin film for enhancing supercurrent, NPG Asia Materials, (2020), 12, 7 (IF : 8.131)
  • Hyunji An,† Hyo Jin Hong,† ~, Bong-Joong Kim*, Chung Wung Bark*, and Sanghan Lee*, Reversible magnetoelectric switching in multiferroic three-dimensional nanocup heterostructure films, NPG Asia Materials, (2019), 11, 68 (IF : 8.052)
  • Sehun Seo, ~, Sanghan Lee*, Direct In situ Growth of Centimeter-scale Multi-heterojunction MoS2/WS2/WSe2 Thin Film Catalyst For Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution, Advanced Science, (2019), 6, 13, 1900301 (IF : 15.804)
  • Jaesun Song, ~, Sanghan Lee*, Tailoring crystallographic orientations to substantially enhance charge separation efficiency in anisotropic BiVO4 photoanodes, ACS Catalysis, (2018), 8, 5952-5962 (IF : 11.384)
  • Jaesun Song, ~, Sanghan Lee*, Non-Equilibrium Deposition in Epitaxial BiVO4 Thin Film Photoanodes for Improving Solar Water Oxidation Performance, Chemistry of Materials (2018), 30 (16), 5673–5681 (IF : 9.890)
  • Jaesun Song, ~, Ho Won Jang*, Sanghan Lee*, Domain-engineered BiFeO3 thin film photoanodes for highly enhanced ferroelectric solar water splitting, Nano Research 11, issue2, pp642-655 (2018) (IF : 7.994)
  • Sanghan Lee et al., Artificially engineered superlattices of pnictide superconductors, Nature Materials, 12, 392-396, (2013) (IF : 36.425)
  • Sanghan Lee et al., Template engineering of Co-doped BaFe2As2 single-crystal thin films, Nature Materials, 9, 397-402 (2010) (IF : 29.897)


  • 2023~2025 GIST 차세대에너지연구소장
  • 2024 한국센서학회 이사
  • 2023 GIST 신소재공학부 부학부장
  • 2023~ 태양광발전학회 평의원
  • 2021~ 한국재료학회 평의원
  • 2021~ 한국재료학회 이사
  • 2021~ 소재혁신선도본부 위원
  • 2020~2022 한국연구재단 국책연구본부 RB (Review Board)
  • 2017, 2020 한국세라믹학회 편집운영이사
  • 2019~2023 미래소재디스커버리 사업 단장 (전기장제어소재연구단)
  • 2018~2019 대한금속재료학회 평의원
  • 2018~ 대한금속재료학회 융합재료과학분과 / 에너지재료분과 위원
  • 2017~ 유전체연구회 학술위원


  • 공로상 (Achievement award) , 2022, GIST
  • Best Teaching Award, 2019, GIST
  • Gold winner of Graduate Student Award at 2012 MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting


  • ~2023/8 미래소재디스커버리사업 (NRF) : 총괄책임
  • ~2026/12 미래수소원천기술 (NRF) : 총괄책임
  • ~2024/2 중견 (NRF) : 책임
  • ~2028/2 ERC (NRF) : 공동
  • ~2025/12 GIST-MIT 인공지능국제협력사업 (GRI) : 공동
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